
Single Touch Payroll - Final Reminder! - 28th June 2019

As you would be aware by now, Single Touch Payroll (STP) is only a few days away from being operational for employers who employ 19 or fewer employees.

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Smart Money Tips for Business Owners - 18th June 2019

Small business owners know how important it is to save money. They know that one day that dollar could come in handy, especially during slower times.


Saving money is definitely important, but there are also things small business owners can - and should - spend their money on today. It might seem counterproductive to spend money when you want to put it in the bank - and make no mistake, saving and investing are also vital - but sometimes spending your money can wind up helping your business immensely, protecting it from slower times.


Here are three things smart business owners spend their money on.

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Records for Claiming Work-related Expenses - 6th June 2019

When completing your tax return, youre entitled to claim deductions for some expenses, most of which are directly related to earning your income.

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