Solicitor Trust Account Audits - 26th March 2018
Are you a solicitor who requires an External Examination of your Trust Account?
The Law Society have indicated that External Examiner's Reports issued after 30 June 2017 can only be provided by those External Examiners who have successfully undertaken the mandatory course as approved under the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW). The Law Society are concerned that despite their widespread communications about the recent changes, there has been a substantial shortfall of take-ups for the re-accreditation, and they have indicated they cannot accept External Examinations from accountants who did not undertake the mandatory course.
Our Director, Tony Vidray has gone through the re-accreditation process, so if you are in need of a new External're running out of time.
Please also note the deadline for the submission of External Examiners' Reports is no later than 31 May 2018.
Tony's name is now on the Law Society's website under 'Find an Examiner'