
Lockdown Support Update July 2021 - 21st July 2021


To help keep you up to date with lockdown support that is available for you and your business, we have compiled this comprehensive guide:

What lockdown support is available for individuals?

If you can't work because you or someone in your household is impacted by COVID-19, support is available.

Find full details here.

For the COVID Disaster payment, ServicesAustralia have confirmed that you don't have to access your annual leave before applying for the COVID-19 Disaster Payment even if you have it available to you. However, you can't claim the payment if you're already on annual leave. Treasury has also released a fact sheet on the Disaster Payment.

What lockdown support is available to NSW business?

If your business has been adversely impacted by the recent lockdown in NSW, support is available. 

Find full details here.

Follow this link to see a summary of support measures provided by the NSW Government.

What lockdown support is available in Victoria?

Support is available if you are impacted by the Victorian lockdowns.

Find full details here.

As always, if you have any questions regarding any of the matters raised in this newsletter, please contact our office. 

Stay safe Australia.

WARATAH + 61 2 4929 5533  or  MAITLAND +61 2 4933 6100


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